Category: Uncategorized

  • every day in may (five blogs i heart)

    yippee! one of my favorite subjects: blogs i heart! today, my challenge is to share ‘Five of [my] favorite blogs and what [i] love about them’! this is the best 🙂 i already shared about some of my favorite bloggers here, so i get to add a few more to the list! eat sleep cuddle don’t…

  • every day in may (childhood memory)

    today’s challenge is to tell a story from your childhood.. ‘Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt.’ i have a lot that come to mind actually! but being as it’s saturday, i’ll tell you about saturdays as a kid 🙂 i always loved the feeling of waking…

  • Every day in May (favorite photo)

    today i’m sharing a favorite picture of myself and why! i’m much more caught up in the memory of a photo rather than how beautiful it is.. i was between a couple pictures, the other ones i prefer to these for purely aesthetic reasons 🙂 being tan, eyes actually showing and not disappearing into…

  • every day in may (on overcoming)

    today i’m talking about something difficult about in my “lot in life” and how i’m working to overcome it. i have to admit, i was a bit stuck on what to say about this (i’m glad i wasn’t alone!). i firmly believe i grew up with an incredible grace over my life. places where things…

  • every day in may (day in the life)

    i’m behind on today’s challenge but here we go! i don’t believe i’ve ever blogged this many days in a row.. major accomplishment. and it’s still fun 🙂 today i get to tell you what a day in my life looks like! womp womp, hehe just kidding. but on the real. get some cookies or…

  • A public apology

    i thought i’d take this chance to issue a very serious and public apology (as it is day 13 of the challenge).. s o r r y everybody!! source

  • happy mother’s day!

    happy mothers day to all of you mamas!! to my beautiful, lovely, strong, intelligent, brave, wholehearted, caring and generous mama bette, we love you!! you are a joy in our lives and i’m so proud to call you mom and friend 🙂 and to james’ mama rose, you are a burst of life and energy…

  • every day in may (things i miss)

    today’s challenge is to talk about things we miss.. for me, some of these are big, heart-wrenching sort of missing, and some of these are just little things, but i miss it all the same. people. there are so many i can think off, people on this earth and those who have left..specifically today i’m thinking…

  • Every Day in May

    the challenge calls for me to ‘sell myself in ten words or less’ whew!! i’ll do a list because lists are my jam. + yes, the ‘worst traits’ are easier, but it’s wonderful to see what people say are ‘best traits’ 🙂 +merciful +goooooofy (see image) +joyful +lifelong-learner +dreamer +creative +expressive +e-n-f-j +helper what about you?? favorite trait about yourself??…

  • every day in may (an embarrassing moment!)

    yes! today is the day i get to share my most embarrassing moment (day 10 of the challenge)!! and yes, i most definitely have one 🙂 i was nineteen and working on staff as a children’s director for an after-school program at my church. being apart of staff, we’d often have visitors and interns from…

  • every day in may (a moment)

    it’s Thursday (day 9) and for those who have stuck with me in this blogging challenge, i salute you and treasure your responses!! i’m still having fun 🙂 today’s prompt is: A moment in your day (this can be just a photo or both a photo and words). i am not a clinically addicted coffee drinker, but i am…

  • every day in may (a simple piece of advice)

    happy wednesday!! day 8 of blog every day in may is to give a piece of advice i have for others, anything at all! how vexing—there’s just so much one could say!?! i can hardly keep track of all the valuable advice i’ve received in my life (here’s some i especially love from my grandma ella). i’ll keep it simple and…

  • Wedding weekend

    thought i’d share a couple cute photos of our friends wedding last weekend, and ps woooot—yay weddings!! they threw the most fun one ever. there were three musical numbers (yes three, i’m not kidding!), a lot of cuteness (cause it’s mawaige), a lot of heartfeltness and a lot of dancing. and by dancing, i mean…

  • every day in may (this one’s about fear)

    hello may seventh! so let’s get at the challenge for today!  Day 7, Tuesday: The thing(s) you’re most afraid of.  oh fear! fear is just a sucker right?? ..and an all-too familiar friend of mine. on one hand it makes me feel dumb. like really.. are you seriously worried about that? move on already. on the other…

  • every day in may (what i do)

    good morning + happy monday, friends! we partied it up at a wedding this weekend and took it easy yesterday, eating some delicious food and catching up with some friends.. hope your weekend was grand! have you joined in the challenge yet? if not, you can keep reading along as i ‘try’ to keep up…

  • every day in may (people i think are over the moon wonderful)

    well here i am again! hope you are having a beautiful sunday slash cinco de mayo, it’s a little rainy funky out right now, and when there is rain, it is always a good time to reflect (and given the day, maybe eat chips + salsa)—at least i think so! this next one’s fun because i…

  • A favorite quote

    hope you’re enjoying your saturday friends! soo.. i don’t know if i’m going to be able to keep this up people, but for now, it’s really fun 🙂 learn more about where the following prompt comes from here or click the fun blob on the left! Day 4, Saturday: Favorite quote (from a person, from a book,…

  • i got a haircut!

    pardon the washed out pictures, but i got my hair did! thanks to my wonderful friend for cutting it! you are a miracle worker. to go get a hair suntan and we’ll really be rockin! yay!

  • blog every day in may (this one’s about books!)

    you guys. i’m doing a blogging challenge (duh duh duh)! jenni from story of my life has a fun ‘blog every day in may’ challenge (which is wayyy more than i usually choose to blog) but i thought it’d be fun to link up with it as often as i can, and there are some…

  • A bearded update

    le hubby is out of town this weekend to celebrate our friends’ getting married out in the mid-west (yay friends!) so i thought it a perfect time to do a little check in on the beard [or the ‘glory’ as he likes to refer to it]. here are the last updates should you be interested.…

  • Wedding shower

    last weekend, i got to help celebrate a friend’s bridal shower—yayyeah! i love bridal showers, and all that has to do with showering friends with gifts to get them ready for a new time in life. i remember feeling like all of the wedding events were such a blur, a wonderful blur but everything was…

  • Movie night

    on saturday evening, we had some dear friends over for a movie night. we only required that they wear their cozies and let us know their favorite munchie or treat 🙂 it’s so fun to see what treats our friends crave! that said, the menu was as follows (commence tummy-ache-that-is-so-worth-it): +coco puffs and lucky charms…

  • easter sunday + it’s april!

    happy easter and happy april!! this particular day is the day of four of my closest friends birthdays so shout out to all of you birthday celebrators. i love you all. and i know easter is a few days passed, but we had a fun one! this cute little table was at the entrance to our church…

  • a first birthday dinner

    this week we celebrated our little godson’s first birthday! he had his favorite meal and had {what i think was his first of} many tastes of frosting 🙂 it is such an honor to be godparents for this little guy and we are so looking forward to the many fun years that are to follow!

  • The Oscars

    hope your oscar party sunday was grand! i’ve been celebrating the oscars since i was a kid (family pressure..) and i’m pretty sure a late february sunday without an oscar party would now feel absolutely absurd to me, just wrong. we’ve always joked with 85% seriousness that one day our oscar party fun will turn…

  • A hello that brightened my day!

    [vimeo w=600&h=341] i love these people!! this little diddy came to me when i was sick at work last week! i just want to smooch them all!

  • Happy love day!

    to you + yours! we love love a whole lot around here, so (we hope) this day usually ends up like any other, though i do enjoy putting hearts everywhere + eating more chocolate than usual + wearing more pink/polka dots than is allowed or ok..without people wondering why 🙂 i’m not so struck this…

  • Superbowl Sunday with a forced exclamation point…”!”

    warning..still a little bit sad over here! soo despite the mourning over here at our house (meaning watching big bang theory + eating leftover pizza), we’re still pretty proud of the niners and had a pretty wonderful night with our friends—despite the game stress. and oh was the stress bountiful. we hung out at our…

  • Snapshots

            happy weekend everybody! a couple thoughts before the weekend begins:   +unlike so many i’ve encountered around the interwebs, i am so so so so ecstatic for the super bowl and may the forty-niners stick it to em! can’t wait! +i’m making guac + a skillet strawberry pie, or if i’m…

  • A little trip up hwy one

    [vimeo w=500&h=281] we took a little trip up the coast to our favorite berry farm! fave-orite..seriously! ps: i’m not a self-professed filmmaker..this is a little “rough” to say the least 🙂