Category: Uncategorized
baby it’s chili outside!
over the weekend, we cooked, chopped, boiled, painted and prayed for good weather for our cornbread + chili fundraiser to send our wonderful group of youth to their winter camp in march. it ended up a success! so many thanks to all who joined + supported + gave. we seriously cannot do it without all…
Travel dreams
serious travel fever people! which thankfully won’t last too too long as we are headed on a european excursion vacation at the end of summer this year! emphasis on vacation 🙂 and emphasis on it’s still a little too far away for my liking. but we’ll be making our way through our beloved switzerland, france, and italy…fritzerly. we’ve…
from the both of us! featuring friends, new threads, sweets and my never ending quest to eat more veggies!
hello weekend!
happy weekend to you!! however you find yourself spending it 🙂 we’ll be watching football tomorrow + attending a fun super intensive bible study this morn, cue the nespresso machine people (i’m excited but i’ll need a little kick! muah! ps go niners!
Letter of love
I wrote this letter for our church bulletin a few weeks ago. It’s to add to the “letters of love” series..I’ll post one that James wrote too in week or so, too 🙂 I’ll let it speak for itself but it‘s just a little reflection of my thoughts on the new year! oh yeah..and just picture…
ten thoughts
ten thoughts today: 1. we are absolutely tickled, our friends had twin baby girls last week! still elated about that! 2. it is frigidly cold..i’ve never had to scrape my windows this many days in a row, ever! 3. disqus stopped working on here so i had to uninstall! 4. in the process, i deleted…
2013 new year’s resolutions: +simplify +love people better +serve people better +adventures +gain new perspectives +to love the things I do happy new year to you! so that’s it! …share share! what are your resolutions this year??
The New Year
here’s looking at you 2013! hope you all had a wonderful nye + ny day! … this is james at our swag + bling party. and i highly recommend throwing yourself your own swag + bling party! if you squint, you’ll see bieber chilling in the background. ps james was wearing gold leggings! wha?!? +some form of resolutions coming…
My favorite Christmas houses
you can find these in capitola village! {our old village} 🙂 … they make me happy!
Secret Santa shenanigans
you guys!! the tides have turned in this curious case! after a no holds barred, all out scavenger hunt looking for one of the gifts, a few “helpers” came out of the woodwork that may have given insight as to who the secret santa perp is! but then the next few gifts thew me off…
Walt Disney, hope
i would like to proudly announce to you that today yesterday was walt disney‘s birthday. as if you didn’t already know. {did you?..} now let’s get it out there, let it be known i didn’t happen upon this on my own. thankfully, garrison {writer’s almanac, prairie home companion, etc.} gives me the inside scoop on my…
merry swiss santa day
to all our swiss family and friends: merry nikolaustag 🙂 {the swiss santa, my mama and i in bern in my baby days} across the sea, december sixth is the day that santa visits (kris kringle can’t get it allll done in one night!). so i send all of you many happy nikolaustag wishes! muah!
The curious case of the secret santa
i thought i’d give a little update to how our secret santa megafest is going so far.. i’m being completely honest when i say that this s.s. business has been a little confusing. one minute, i’m certain of who they are, that perp! and another..well, i’m not. i’m pretty positive they’re a girl (my first gift was…
i’m sooo happy that christmastime is here!! so happy that if i knew how to turn off all lowercase on this blog, you would see my post title is in *all caps*! little letters are a no-no for these sorts of topics. and we are thoroughly enjoying the celebrations so far. we spent the entirety of yesterday decorating in some…
Thanksgiving, again
on tuesday, we held our annual campus thanksgiving, in which we host—wait for it—sixty people total (however about twenty five of us are the hosts!)! thus being the first thanksgiving of 2012. the evening is only complete with lots and lots of food, an entire day of cooking and games, and last but not least—the…
i’m nearly stuffed to the brim, my friends. after a full and wonderful thanksgiving dinner {and dessert with ice cream from bi-rite…yes, i know}, i am watching life with father, listening to the waves crashing out our window and finishing up a dab of stuffing, some apple and some sliced almond brittle with bittersweet’s safe…
Happy thanksgiving!!
happy thanksgiving! sending lots of love from my clan chin to yours!
The week of all things glorious is upon us!
eee! happy thanksgiving week—one of my favorite weeks of the year! ..and it is all up on us, people! in her honor {thanksgiving, that is}, i have done things like shop at costco with thousands of other people, including our own group of thirty, rushing to find heavy whipping cream, cheese and organic flour (cause…
celebrating loveee + marriage!
last night, two beautiful friends of ours got engaged!! i loved getting to celebrate kevin and kayli and their love for each other, hear stories from the day and just see the amazing rush and overwhelming excitement that comes after such a wonderful decision. we couldn’t be more happy for them! and thankfully there are…
Birthday reflections
happy birthday to me no longer! i am now twenty-five and there’s nothing more to celebrate, i’m all celebrated out! there will not be an ounce more to cheer for! ..except on thanksgiving when my extended family celebrates! {woot!} it was wonderful to celebrate with our nearby family at our lovely bittersweet bistro. it’s one…
Artwork in the sky
the views over here have been incredible..if you follow me on instagram, i promise i withheld a few of these from you, as i’m sure you’ve had your fill of santa cruz sunsets and sky shots 🙂 but i haven’t.. it’s beautiful over here! we have a few things on the docket for this weekend, but…
Phil Jackson, emotions
okay, let me tell you friends, i’ve had my phases with emotion. childhood was a fresh fountain of constant emotion, i am certain i was certifiably an emotional issue.. but way to be mom, she helped a sista out and i did just fine for a good long while. and then on a wonderful winter’s…
this week, our company said goodbye to gabe, who is off to exciting new ventures over the hill. these are just a few snapshots. saying goodbye to gabe is bittersweet, but i’m thankful for all the copies of movies and p90x, funny laughs and he gave us our dining room table—i mean really. we’ll miss…
1. moving into our new flat (it’s a studio!) excuse the dust (and the blurry pictures) but we’re doing some major overhaul over here 🙂 we’ve gone with a dark blue color for our new studio and i love that the wainscoting helps neutralize the darkness (although I wouldn’t mind it either way!). figuring out how to fit…
Celebrating a birthday today
more to come, but so far, so good 🙂 thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!! ..if I haven’t told you recently, I’m unbelievably grateful for you all & feel SO blessed slash loved today! muah!
(craigslist find! yippee!) ..according to james and my iphones 🙂
Joyful list
photo via kinfolk mag things that give me joy: 36. birthday season! 37. delicious baguettes 38. having a reason to wear argyle knee socks 39. the los angeles lakers (i can’t believe i didn’t write them yet!) 40. hair that truly never has needed to be dyed (sorry about that one time hair) 41. emails from…
Happy Halloween!
these are a few of the images from our halloween night! while i was so gung-ho on capturing all the amazingness that was the decor, but i totally sucked it up and forgot! which is especially rude as we had A CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!! a real one. pouring chocolately goodness over a rock wall and into…
about being nice to little toes
while i have resolved that this particular blog is not a place for too much whining and complaining (i’ll leave that for my sorrow-ridden, tear-stained journal..bah—totally serious), i do have to disclose to you that my foot is currently in a whole world of pain. i’m a wimp, people! last sunday, i fell on the…
have a happy/goofy/fun {and safe} halloween! silly faces are entirely welcome and accepted by us. we will be running around the “sweets and treats sweet shoppe” selling concessions with our “youts”.. which, by the way, james has started calling our youth group high schoolers “youts,” and i actually don’t love it all that much, but…