
artwork by etsy artist nidhi chanani
october is absolutely flying by over here. some of these autumn days, i’ve found that there is just not one free hour in the day to just pause a little.
but then came along today.
days like today that mark the first rainfall of the season. when i think of the first autumn rain, i imagine how the streets and sidewalks take on that subdued, gloomy hue, creating a perfect contrasting backdrop to the vibrant red, auburn, mustard yellow autumn leaves to pop. to crunch. to fall.
and there they rest. they rest for feet to stomp. they rest and float and become a pile for our children to jump in. to hang on our classroom walls and be painted at our harvest parties. garlands and glue and decoupage. orange, gold, burgundy and brown, they are a festival of color.
i, being fully unprepared for such an autumn storm, found myself caught between the building and my car in the downpour on my way back to work after my lunch break. as i hurried across the parking lot in my sandals no less, i shielded my laptop, belongings and self from the heavy showers.
wanting to catch a little glimpse of the thundering rainfall, i pulled my thick red sweater off my head and for a quick moment, I looked up. i felt my face and hair absorb a few of the droplets.. i pulled back my sweater a little more, and let them soak me, one drop at a time. my hair and face became decidedly wet.
as a sun ray began to peek from behind the clouds and warm my cheeks, my run to the car had morphed into a walk. and my walk became a saunter. i stopped.
it’s days like this where i think say thank you to god. for this day. a day where a little rain can say a whole lot more than a reminder to grab my raincoat. but a day where those tiny little droplets fall all around, all over you, shouting, celebrating and showering reminders all over and around you, soaking you through and through. here it comes. here it comes.
i stopped and gazed into the forming rainbow and the aroma of jasmine filled my nostrils. i was certain my mascara had begun to drip drop drip onto my cheeks and i didn’t mind a bit. i took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air. and i thought- yeah. october. finally. i’m glad you’re here.






4 responses to “October”

  1. casey ann Avatar

    why thank you sweet aimy 🙂

  2. Anna {dear friend} Avatar

    Perfect. So glad I am going back and reading all these favorites of yours.

  3. casey ann Avatar

    🙂 thank you my friend!!

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