Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day mamas!! It’s funny but I am still [daily] coming to the realization that I am a mama.. I even looked at myself in the mirror today, while holding little boy and told myself: “I’m someone’s mommy..I’m your mama!!”

On the other hand though, it’s all just been so natural. It’s felt like it’s always been this way! While I can obviously remember life before Luke, things with him fell so quickly into place and kicked in so intensely as soon as we held him, as soon as we had that first night in the hospital (okay that was so seriously sobering) and he only had us(!) for every single need of his.

The mommy instincts were full fledged and haven’t stopped. And I’m so thankful! For our little boy who’s made me a mommy, who’s little cheeks I have to kiss at any moment and whose sweet ear-to-ear smile I’ll do anything to see.

I’m thankful to our own mamas who were the same to us. My mom who fought and worked hard and gave me one of the most full childhoods I know of, who other people consistently are impressed with, who still covers us (now as grandma) in love and support in whatever we put our hand to, who always opens her home and heart to us. She is a fighter, respectful, loving, full of laughter, quick to forgive and forget, a giver and the easiest person to be around.

And now here I sit on the eve of this first Mother’s Day, with my Mother’s Day cookies from church and my huge boppy pillow nearby, getting ready to feed my seven week old son. I’m filled with gratefulness to be considered a mother. For the ability to embark on the most exciting role I’ve ever had the privilege of taking on. I’m thrilled to get to raise this little dreambaby and I’m devoted to cuddling him wholeheartedly til it’s physically impossible—so yes, it is a happy happy Mother’s Day indeed!






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