every day in may (struggle street)

today, i’m gonna get real with y’all and ‘share something [i’m] struggling with right now.’
originally, i got a little stuck with this post and thought.. meh.. might as well just read what everyone else has to say about struggle cause i feel like i’m always ringing the same gong over here. not just in the blogosphere, but everywhere. my ‘meh’ had to do with being tired of talking about what i struggle with. but then i saw s-o-o-o many who struggle with the same thing and thought, nope! just do it. share it again. in a way, it’s just another chance for me to say out loud i ultimately do not want to end up here. so alas, here i go, sharing with you 🙂

anxiety. that’s my struggle. insert circumstance a, b or c and i can already tell you i’m going to end up figuring out a way to worry about it, so crafty, i am. you guys, i can even figure out a way to get anxious about laying on the beach. worry, plain and simple.

me enjoying a moment of non-anxiety yesterday after my run 🙂
sometimes, it’s a matter of me saying no to letting myself get there. other times it’s someone [typically james, or an older wiser friend] coming alongside and kindly encouraging me to cut it the heck out. then there are the massive amount of sticky notes with verses on them hidden throughout my purse or planner 🙂
even with all that help though, it’s still a struggle, ya know? ok now people 🙂 ..what about you??






8 responses to “every day in may (struggle street)”

  1. tiffany arellano Avatar

    Love your moment of non-anxiety. With that scenery, I probably would have felt all sorts of peace even in the midst of some sort of chaos.

  2. Ashley Avatar

    Me too!
    For some reason, weirdly enough, it didn't even cross my mind to write about anxiety today. Does that mean it is just part of my routine and something I don't consider a struggle? Uh oh!
    For me, just getting OUT of my apartment helps so much. Exercising helps even more.
    Thanks 🙂

  3. Rachel Sedaker Avatar

    I'm right there with you. I didn't outright mention anxiety in my post, I went underneath it, but in the end, it's anxiety. And it was refreshing to find, by reading other blogs, that I'm not alone. You're not alone. Just keep breathing.

  4. B Avatar

    good for you for sharing and being honest. I struggle with anxiety too and I have meant to talk about it on my blog and never have. from what I have read it is more common with women. glad you have supportive people around to help you!

  5. casey ann Avatar

    yes totally!! ..it is rather helpful! 🙂 thanks for stopping by tiffany!

  6. casey ann Avatar

    you are SO right!! a nice run or walk is way helpful!!

  7. casey ann Avatar

    it's so true 🙂 that's my favorite part of all these things is that everyone gets to know 'hey! i'm not the only person who feels this way!' what a wonderful thing to find out. thanks for reading, rachel! 🙂

  8. casey ann Avatar

    sooo common!! and when you get around to sharing that one, i will be the first to read 🙂

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