I’m lucky if I can write anything down this time around so here goes nothin! Our little girl is growing and yes, we know that she’s a she now! We are excited to have another little sister for Luke and for Kate to become the big sis. She is little so she will most likely not remember life without her little sibling. That’s so wild for us since we didn’t grow up with siblings close in age. So we don’t know quite what to expect, but we’re excited for them!
Life has been a little tricky to figure out this time as I’ve continued to be pretty sick.. there is definitely a lot less opportunity to rest since our kids are in such a busy stage! Kate is just in between a year and a year and a half and Luke is freshly three. Some days are pitiful ha, but then there are days that are better. We just take it one moment at a time so I don’t get discouraged by all my nausea and barfing (😬).
HOW FAR ALONG: 22 weeks. Based on the ultrasounds I’ve had, we may be off by a few days.. not sure. Due Labor Day!
SIZE: A banana apparently, or ten inches long. Her limbs are apparently really long, which I have no idea if that means anything as of now.
SLEEP: The nighttime bathroom breaks are calming down a little so I’m able to sleep more.. it’s already hard to get comfortable, so lots of turning, twisting etc.
SYMPTOMS: I have been nauseous for (what feels like) the entire pregnancy. Although, I think the first month I wasn’t (or I would’ve suspected sooner). There are good days and bad days but if something catches me wrong in the morning.. a smell or phlegm in my throat, I am going to fight it all day. I think I’ve passed the afternoon nap stage (until later..) but depending on the day, I’ll get super tired. Also some sciatica pain but it’s not unbearable. I sound extremely cranky ha.
FOOD CRAVINGS: Today?? Bagels. But I’ve been craving oranges and sometimes turkey sandwiches. Also ginger beer.
STRETCH MARKS: I got some towards the end with both pregnancies and think a few didn’t fully disappear between Kate and this pregnancy.. fun. Just gettin real here 🙂
MOVEMENT: A lot of movement but I’m usually moving so much that I only notice at night or when I’m lying down 🙂
NAMES: We’re not sure yet!! Starting to spend more time on this now that we know the gender (girl!).
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