
Hello stranger! I say stranger for no fault of your own, it’s absolutely me.. I’ve been behind on all my blogging adventures 🙂 Although it doesn’t show here, things have been good, nay great! The things that occupy our days?.. Our busy little 9-month-old, pastoring the youth and interns of our church, all of the Christmas parties, rain storms, finishing up our handmade gifts, wind storms, visiting with family, friends, trips to San Francisco, journaling here and there and the eternal work of cleaning our house! Whew. There were a few Hallmark Christmas movies in the mix there as well because we have to get some priorities straight 🙂

Every year, I imagine that I’ll somehow get better at managing it all. And every year, I’m absolutely not. This year, I’m rounding out the Christmas season with five good solid days of yoga pant wearing, a whole lot of relax time, a few days that included meandering up the coast, and only one canker sore (stress induced). I’m definitely in a state of recuperating.

I can’t even express how only one canker sore is a triumph. I have learned over the last months that I am a stress case. I don’t know if it has to do with becoming a mom this year or just the weight of life, but I have never been so aware of my stressful moments. I’m in a process of discovering these moments and being proactive about not letting them get the best of me (praying, slowing down, taking a second), but goodness gracious, how many of these anxiety-causing moments I find myself in! I’m like a magnet or something..

So after these days of recuperating, and after being more aware of these things, I’m reflecting tonight on way more than a list of goals for 2015. Because really, I don’t need more boxes to tick on my to-do list (seriously, I don’t!). These are some principles that I’m hoping to add to my overall perspective and the way I approach everyday life.

I won’t tackle it all right away, but I hope to crowd my life with these things rather than the other things I can crowd it with. And with it all, I want to remember this promise: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. -Lamentations 3:22-23

–Family time

–Rest time.. respect it, yo. (talking to myself)

–Blog more! My journal, my outlet, my mode of processing that is the blogosphere. Updates on my babe, my thoughts, my inspirations, my memories, my shutterbug bug.

–Start a girls bible study with a few ladies I have on my heart

–Walk with friends more often.

–Keep after filling my diet with veggies

–Learn calligraphy

Okay, your turn. What do you want to crowd your life with this coming year?? ❤ Happy New Year to you and yours ❤






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