Every Day in May

the challenge calls for me to ‘sell myself in ten words or less’ whew!! i’ll do a list because lists are my jam. + yes, the ‘worst traits’ are easier, but it’s wonderful to see what people say are ‘best traits’ 🙂
+goooooofy (see image)
what about you?? favorite trait about yourself?? and yes, this is an exercise in narcissism 🙂






2 responses to “Every Day in May”

  1. Jasmine (TheHappySloths) Avatar

    Merciful, that's an adjective I rarely hear people describe themselves as, and it's first on your list!
    Unfortunately I do not think I am not a very merciful person……

  2. casey ann Avatar

    haha, yes..i'm very aware of my mercy heart because i'm merciful to a fault! always room for mercy and always room for a nice tell-it-how-it-is, too 😉

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