every day in may (a simple piece of advice)

happy wednesday!! day 8 of blog every day in may is to give a piece of advice i have for others, anything at all! how vexing—there’s just so much one could say!?! i can hardly keep track of all the valuable advice i’ve received in my life (here’s some i especially love from my grandma ella).

i’ll keep it simple and honest here, my friends. i’ve heard this one since i was little and i never forgot it. one because it had a cuss word and those didn’t fly in my house (yes, i do know what dial soap tastes like inside my mouth!? never cussed again!..) and two, because it’s just really great insight: never assume because it makes an {‘- – -‘} out of ‘u’ and ‘me’

pardon my french! but isn’t it the worst to be assumed on? or have your intentions or heart be misjudged? it’s just dreadful to me. it’s also the worst to realize you were doing that to someone (because i’ve found myself in that seat, too..). i try and keep this one close by and i also find that this is just one of those ‘sayings’ that seems to stick around all by itself 😉






4 responses to “every day in may (a simple piece of advice)”

  1. Jennifer Avatar

    I love that piece of advice! Such a clever saying.

  2. Tiffany Avatar

    ALWAYS good advice! Always.

    If only I could tell my fourth graders this… I am so tempted sometimes 😉

  3. casey ann Avatar

    🙂 totallllyyy know what ya mean! hehe

  4. PixieDustx Avatar

    thats a really good piece of advice 🙂

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