Bits and Pieces

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Septembers in Santa Cruz are usually lovely. It has felt a little too hot still for my bones but the mornings and evenings are becoming the slightest bit cooler and breezier, a sort of haphazard breeze that throws leaves around in our yard as the sunsets

begin a few minutes earlier day by day. Beach traffic slows down and everyone seems to be busy with the buzz of school, activities, studying at a coffee shop, getting home for a game, hauling kids to a soccer game, etc. We are busy with some of these things, but are mainly focused on acclimating to life with a new baby, “our” baby as Luke and Kate say.

While on the topic, this last week was my first full week of taking a whack at our new ‘normal’ after Emma’s arrival. We did an outing to the doctor, I took Luke to preschool, showered a total of three times, washed an absurd amount of clothing, fell asleep on the couch for what felt like hundreds of cat naps. I usually detest cat naps but maybe when your body is in survival mode, it makes do with a ten minute snooze.

The idea of going anywhere with all three has borderline frightened me but little by little, we’re gaining ground! Luke’s little positive self has helped keep perspective for me.. when I asked him how he felt about an outing with the three (and admitted freaked me out), he said it sounds EXCITING. Thankful for three year olds who remind me to relax and have fun (and we did!).

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The other day we went out for a late afternoon soccer sesh and ran around the field (& apparently without making a dent in Luke’s energy level!?). Kate ran back and forth screaming and Luke hoped with every fiber in his being that we would chase him incessantly, and that we did. There are so many teaching moments throughout the day with the ages that they are right now, so there’s nothing that makes me happier than just unbridled laughter with them. I need to remember that.. they definitely don’t have as much trouble as I do!

In other news, I’ve consumed a fair share of Trader Joe’s cookie butter sandwich cookies and dark chocolate toffee (thank you honey). TJ’s definitely has the market for fall treats, perfect for my postpartum body to not return to normal in a timely fashion (dang).

Also, anybody following Jeopardy these days?? There’s a hilarious fellow winning a BUNCH of money and he must have some crazy photographic memory. He also gives Alex some flack which I love because Alex can be so snooty.

We are deep in Dodger baseball land as of this evening so we’ve got plenty of emotional aides to support us during the games–empathizing family and friends to text, squishy pillows to yell into, and plenty of pizza and popcorn to consume as needed. Go Dodgers!






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