every day in may (what i do)

good morning + happy monday, friends! we partied it up at a wedding this weekend and took it easy yesterday, eating some delicious food and catching up with some friends.. hope your weekend was grand! have you joined in the challenge yet? if not, you can keep reading along as i ‘try’ to keep up with it 🙂 Day 6, Monday: If you couldn’t answer with your job, how would you answer the question, ‘what do you do’?

this prompt was a great challenge for me! i have thought about it before.. i know it sounds silly but i the last time i thought long and hard about this question when i was writing [duh duh duh] my twitter profile.. um. yeah 🙂 all that to say it was good for me to think about it again.

in general, i really dislike answering the question ‘what do i do?’ because my current job doesn’t necessarily express the fullness of who i am and what i do (although perhaps maybe that’s true for most people?). the below are things that i know are true about me and also the things i try and keep as my job in life, no matter what my actual job is. these are the sorts of things that make my heart swell with joy.

+follower of jesus
+caretaker and helper of people
+an ear to listen to others & what they say, think about, care about, desire
+cheerleader of sorts for the people around me, i want to see them succeed
so how would you answer this question?? 🙂






6 responses to “every day in may (what i do)”

  1. Courtney B Avatar

    Sounds like a great weekend!!
    I have been reading these posts and I STILL don't know how to answer this question. My #1 and #2 answers would be a wife and a mom. But after that? It really makes me sit back and evaluate where I'm at in life, and what I need to be doing!

  2. Erika @ CHiMERiKAL.com Avatar

    I find it interesting that you define what you do in terms of other people — but that just shows how caring you are! 🙂 The world is made a better place by people like you — who take pleasure and purpose in helping others. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  3. casey ann Avatar

    thanks, courtney!! ..that's totally what i felt like it did for me too! it was WAY harder to answer than i would've thought!! it also made me think, GOSH..which of the things that i'm 'doing' day-to-day are the things i love and how can i make more room for those?? a fun prompt to answer 🙂 have a wonderful day!

  4. casey ann Avatar

    Wow, I totally didn't realize that! Thanks for your sweet words, Erika, they absolutely brightened my DAY!! XO!

  5. Anna {dear friend} Avatar


    I am a teacher, but that is absolutely NOT what solely defines me.

    Here's mine:

    lover of all people,
    positive outlooker,
    teacher, traveler,
    easy going appreciator of life


  6. casey ann Avatar

    ANNA – – > > > lover of people, yes!!!

    love that teacher is apart of who you are, and not just a job description! 🙂 xoxo!

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