A favorite quote

hope you’re enjoying your saturday friends! soo.. i don’t know if i’m going to be able to keep this up people, but for now, it’s really fun 🙂 learn more about where the following prompt comes from here or click the fun blob on the left! Day 4, Saturday: Favorite quote (from a person, from a book, etc) and why you love it:
Don’t be in debt to anyone, except for the obligation to love each other. Whoever loves another person has fulfilled the Law. romans 13:8
james and i love being youth pastors to the high-schoolers of our church family. it also challenges us in many ways—body, soul and sugar intake. it’s easy to get caught up in how things are done. i can hear about all the crazy events that some people do and think.. are we missing something?!
not to say that we’re boring (i don’t believe we—eeespecially my husband—could ever be described as such) but our focus isn’t in events and in pizazz and bright lights, our main goal is that the youth know they are loved, supported, known, celebrated and becoming more and more the people God created to be! since that’s our goal, it’s not so much about how big we go, but more about building relationships.
that’s the reason i love this verse/quote/scripture. at the end of the day, apart from all of the odds and ends and details of life, i am thankful to know that fulfilling my purpose has to do with loving others. the midst of all that is life, i know i can usually figure that one out—a smile, a hug, a compliment, an encouragement..
can you imagine how beautiful it’d be if we all acted as if we were only in debt to one another in love?! beautiful indeed 🙂






12 responses to “A favorite quote”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    A great quote to carry you through life and to share along the way. Spread the love. Nothing better.

  2. Anna {dear friend} Avatar

    LOVE this. I think relationships and how you treat people are more important than anything, too. {And just for the record, you could never be boring!}

    Glad you are doing blog every day in May!

    {also, love your new header!!}

  3. casey ann Avatar

    thank you, victoria 🙂 your quote was so beautiful as well!

  4. casey ann Avatar

    thank you dear friend (that worked out nicely)!! for all your kind words 🙂 i can sooo [soooo] tell you believe that [treating people is more important than anything] by who you are! one thousand percent.

  5. Stephanie McDonnell Avatar

    “The greatest of these is love.” Coming over from The Story of My Life. How lovely to meet you!


  6. twiggy@thedirtlife Avatar

    If I could explain to you the level of respect I have for youth leaders…ga. I found Christ because of a youth leader.

  7. Erika @ CHiMERiKAL.com Avatar

    I just found your blog through the Blog Every Day in May Challenge! 🙂

    I've never seen or heard of this verse; or if I have, not in this version??? Either way, I like this a lot. Thanks for sharing!


  8. casey ann Avatar

    It's a good one huh?! It was actually a new-to-me version that I only use here and there (Common English Bible) because it can tend to simplify things too much, which is also really helpful in certain situations! I liked how it put this verse 🙂 Thanks for stoppin by girly!! .. loved the quote you shared today and what you had to say about it!

  9. casey ann Avatar

    LOVE that! I actually did, too! SUCH a privilege, a lot of heartache too..but all so WORTH it.

  10. casey ann Avatar

    You too, Stephanie!! Love the quote you shared today!!

  11. TheLane Avatar

    loving your quote and love that its from the bible!!!
    happy sunday- this is the day the Lord has made:)

  12. casey ann Avatar

    amen! thanks so much girly 🙂 hope you had a wonderful day!!

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