This is pretty much the position I’ve wanted to be in these last few days. I am feeling the fatigue of the third trimester, and waiting patiently for the insane nesting energy that is to come.
A friend told me the other morning that she wishes she could bottle that up—for REAL. I haven’t gotten too much in order but know that in about 5 or so weeks, I’ll be innately organizing like the obsessive compulsive organizer I know exists within me. Can’t wait. Neither can my family (heh). At this point, we’re thinking about our birth plan and how we want to approach it, enjoying the paces and phases of our kiddos, and trying to get some sleep too. We’re only two and a half months away!
Size: baby boy is the size of a summer cantaloupe! A summer cantaloupe with a killer rib kick 🙂
Sleep: not great. I am sleeping on my side but I just forget that there aren’t many ways to get comfortable during this phase of pregnancy. We have decided we’ll need a California King for life after this sleeping phase. Almost thinking I’ll sleep better once he’s here!
Symptoms: sinuses mainly, which is mostly the worst at nighttime. And leg cramps, mean ones on my thighs. Also nighttime. Have I mentioned my sleep is not good? HA! I think the cramps are a pretty simple nutritional fix (or so I hear), but I did get them with my other pregnancies, even with an increase in the banana consumption 🙂 But not to be too forlorn, I am seriously celebrating that I have no lock jaw, minimal nausea or swelling, which I did with most of the pregnancies.
Food cravings: I have been craving bubbly water almost nightly (this . And then salads with creamy dressing are a regular craving. There’s a Kale Caesar from a restaurant in town (Suda) that I absolutely could eat daily. There’s a good to great chance the waitress has my order memorized.
Exercise: this week I’ve been able to walk more consistently! I’ve also been using the stair-master elliptical at the gym to mix up the walking. Wishing I kept up some of the strength exercises I had been doing before our stomach flu and illness began, but still peppering it in when I can.
Movement: absolutely all the time. Always surprised how much I feel and notice this time—I suppose he’s not the most gingerly mover 😉 and he kind of wreaks kicking on my ribs and bladder! He feels so large when he’s moving in there, even though my babies have been around six pounds, right now it feels like he’s ten haha (he’s not).
Favorite outfit: James missional wear sweatshirt and my maternity leggings! I also found some super buttery maternity tops I’ve been switching off with (this tank top in particular is so cozy). Im still wearing my favorite workout pants but notice that I’m probably just a couple week away from still squeezing into them. I’m at the point where I should grab a few more items or I’ll end up in practically the same thing every day (and night!).
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