So. Much. coffee. hehe 🙂 no but really, fun and BUSY day, girl! And your living situation sounds like such a fun time!! I love it! I had no idea that kind of thing happened?? so do all of the people that live there also work at the church?
Wow! This was really neat. I had no idea you lived on a campus with so many other people! That must be a blast! Do you all cook for each other!? I can barely feed myself!
haaaah!! it's true..while i didn't actually have coffee at each opportunity, it's kind of ridiculous 😉 we need more cupcake shops 'round here hehe! our living situation is soo fun, and super unique!! i had no idea it existed before this either!!
everyone that lives here is somehow on staff at the church, even though there's people like mah-self that work elsewhere (my 'staff' role is with the youth, booya!). there's also people who go to uc santa cruz or the community colleges and work part time at the church, but live here and are apart of the campus life. we sometimes trip out about it all hehe (like..we LIVE at a church? wha??) but we absolutely love it for this particular season of our lives!
haha! sameeee here!! a few nights a week, YES, i just get to come and eat, what what!! the rest of the time, i'm fending for myself like a lost puppy until my husband barbecues some meat or makes a quesadilla 😉
so i just found you from anna, and GAH ! your blog is so stinkin' adorable! just might stick around, if that's alright 😉
sounds like an awesome day! I cant believe some nights you go to bed at midnight and make it up at 6am! I go to bed at 9-930 and have a hard time getting up at 6! 🙂
thank you s-o-o-o much mackenzie! that's positively wonderful, so glad you stopped by!!
thanks girly! … hehe! i do have to admit, i can't do that EVERYDAY because i would absolutely be a zombie!! but some days, alas, it has to be done!!
Your day sounds AMAZINGG, gurl. I mean, but seriously.
Love all your coffee dates! I want to meet you for one!
Also, I got to bed too late, too. BUT THERE ARE
hehe, samesies!!! and no, there are not enough hours!!! could use a good twelve more 😉
Sounds like a good day and how fun having dinner with all your friends so often!
yes, that is definitely a fun part!!!
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