Category: Motherhood

  • Back to School

    Back to School

    And by BTS I mean “back to school” .. not the Bangtan boys, though I do love their mashup with Coldplay. My friends, Georgians don’t mess around with a long summer. We were back to school August 8th, no lie. Though we technically get out in May and enjoy as full a summer as the…

  • Summer Road Trip

    Summer Road Trip

    This summer, we decided to treat the kids with a cross-country road trip back to where we started from, and by that of course I mean, California. Can you hear it now? Our entire fam belting that song, surrounded by poppy-lined roads as we cross the border into the state and cheers with our In-N-Out…

  • Jordan is 3

    Jordan is 3

    Jordan turned three! We rang his birthday in with all the Super Mario trinkets and accessories possible, which filled him with all the three-year-old awe and wonder you could hope for. He really went hard in the paint for Mario last year and hasn’t looked back, which makes us giggle because James made a strong…

  • Lake Oconee

    Lake Oconee

    Hooray for a change of scenery. We had so much fun visiting Lake Oconee last weekend and celebrating Emma’s 4th birthday. We haven’t been ready for too much driving and exploration since the cross country drive in June, but we couldn’t pass up a chance to see a new part of Georgia, in this case…

  • Emma is 4

    Emma is 4

    To our little love, Emma, happy birthday! We adore you baby girl! Emma always surprises us with her sweetness and flexibility in life. She brings joy almost everywhere she goes. A little animal or a small scene she’s set up is like the beginning of a magical world to her. She has such a specific…

  • New Chapter

    New Chapter

    Well, it’s been a minute but I thought it was a good time to start keeping my dear wordy and wildly emotional online journal. And the big news, especially as far as a journal would be concerned, is that we’ve moved! Out of state! Yes, we have ended up in the land of peaches, sweet…

  • Summer


    Well! Summer of 2020, and here we all are, living through strange, unbelievable days. This year did not have me holding my breath right from the get go, and though I didn’t declare any particularly aspirational goals this year, rest assured I’ve accomplished nothing. I am mostly pleased to get a proper shower, ‘specially one…

  • Jordan is 1

    Jordan is 1

    Last month we celebrated Jordan turning ONE! This first year with everybody’s baby brother has been such a special one. It is a real wonder to watch Jordan through the eyes of our family. He is happy to be everyone’s baby. But in all actuality, he seems like he might outgrow us all before we…

  • Bits and pieces

    Bits and pieces

    Well I can’t seem to get through a whole blog post for the life of me! We’ve been keeping busy, trying to stay healthy, plugging away with work and school, and then navigating the on and off almost Californian springtime. Tees, raincoats or hazmat suits, not sure which to prime next!

  • Christmas and New Year’s

    Christmas and New Year’s

    And how comfy and cozy we were! We had a very sweet Christmas this year spending it with James family in Southern California.

  • Birth Story, Jordan

    Birth Story, Jordan

    Our sweet Jordan, our May baby. Although this is technically our fourth birth rodeo (man, that’s a comparison that breaks down real fast), I could not believe how much every birth has felt like its own entity. The butterflies, the excitement, the nerves, the preparation. While I had peace knowing what my body has or…

  • Jordan, 4-5 months

    Jordan, 4-5 months

    Jordan is five months tomorrow! So as one does, I shall post his four and five month update. Nights have been late recently so Jordan is kicking my booty sleep wise but lucky for him, I am so smitten with his stage right now. He is so smiley and coos so much, and loves chattering…

  • Bits and Pieces

    Bits and Pieces

    Well I’ve been pretty quiet on here since entering newborn land, which included hospital land and now includes keep-four-kids-alive while James goes back to work land.. HA. We are staying afloat, eating food (although grocery shopping has been slower than usual), starting to get walks in again and we even had a couple impromptu play-dates.…

  • 40 weeks

    40 weeks

    Well! Yesterday was my due date. And just writing that out probably needs to be more okay with me, so here I am—40 weeks, 1 day, with my now historically late boy pregnancies! 😉 Going past my due date feels like some sort of mental barrier for me to conquer. When I remember that I…

  • Big Kids

    Big Kids

    I have been finding myself so nostalgic and emotional watching and observing my “big kids” these last few weeks. “Big” in the sense that they feel big, but in reality they are truly babies still! Luke, five for only a month now, Kate at three and Emma is just a wee babe herself as she…

  • Mother’s Day Gift Guide

    Mother’s Day Gift Guide

    Mother’s Day (hint: May 12!) is around the corner and I thought I’d throw together some sweet finds I’ve seen around. I’ve been on Amazon quite a bit, ordering little odds and ends for baby brother, and I’ve seen a few of these items pop-up. I love finding more handmade items there, as well as…

  • Baby Registry Checklist

    Baby Registry Checklist

    Babies require a lot of gear! I can’t even guess how many of these checklists I’ve read over the last five years—probably an embarrassing amount. For first-time parents, dipping your toes into the overwhelming amount of gear is tricky. I had no idea where to begin and what we’d really need. There are so many things…

  • Hospital Bag

    Hospital Bag

    Learn what I pack with my hospital bag checklist 🙂

  • Toddler Mealtime Prep

    Toddler Mealtime Prep

    Mealtimes can be a marathon with small children, especially anyone under five (which is 100 percent of our kids at this current moment, ha). Our two oldest are coming to the age where they can are readily helpful around mealtime, and are interested in doing it! I love to have their help in the kitchen;…

  • Parenting Quotes

    We’ve had some rough parenting days. The long days that test, challenge and nearly break you; the weeks that try your spirit; the ones that cause you to remember that you are merely mortal, not superhuman and certainly not the perfect parental specimen. There are evenings I sit down after bedtime is complete and I am…

  • Sunday Lunch

    This is not much more than to say that sometimes, eating out with kids is the most humbling, obnoxious, expensive, ridiculous act you could possibly conceive. And then,

  • Mother’s Day

    I am full in my heart today. Full of bacon, sweet memories, taking my time to wake up and only hiding in the bathroom once. Full with the wonder of each day with children, their new rush of energy and joy in the mornings, their purity, perspective, half-eaten meals, dirty fingernails, thousand-watt smiles and many…

  • Tips / Gear

    I feel like all the posts I read before having our third child (Emma!) centered around how crazy you are for having a third child, ha! Really, it was not the most encouraging information I’ve found. Even separately from that info, going from two to three had caused me to encounter all of those emotions..…

  • Navigating Needs

    We had the best trip to the aquarium last week—any chance for a 45 minute trip, drive through espresso en route and quiet time (forced naps) along the way is good with me! The kids were super pumped about the penguins, sharks and the “fishies” (Kate especially). I personally love the jellies, I could spend…

  • Newborn Sleep Guide

    We are now three deep in this babies and sleep thing. And now with Emma here, it’s kind of NUTS to remember how much stress I was under in the beginning! Managing my personal stress having to do with my child sleeping was like a full time job, with a ton of overtime. I have…

  • Birth Story, Emma

    So as the days rolled by and I was coming close to our due date (September 4, Labor Day). I was figuring out ways to relax and give my body high levels of oxytocin, especially at night since I knew my body liked to go into labor at night (which is super common I guess!)—so…

  • Emma!

    Our little Emma is here!—she arrived last Monday, just about an hour or so into her due date of 9/4/17 (aka Labor Day)! Ha. Ha. We are all in love and soaking in the baby scents and sweetness because gah, in my happy place! We just LOVE this newborn phase 😍

  • Siblings

    These pictures make me so happy. I love watching this brother-sister relationship unfold. Oh Luke and Kate. Sometimes they totally play together—sharing, hugs, cuddles, basically the sweetest moments that make you wonder how in the world there’s that much love inside their hearts

  • Preschool

    We have a preschooler! A junior scholar to be exact. We are so excited for Luke’s new adventure .. he is totally ready for this!! But we also had no idea what big balls of emotion it would make us! Geez! And it’s only been one day HA.

  • Easter Traditions 

    Five sweet Easter traditions with littles