Category: Writings

  • Summer


    Well! Summer of 2020, and here we all are, living through strange, unbelievable days. This year did not have me holding my breath right from the get go, and though I didn’t declare any particularly aspirational goals this year, rest assured I’ve accomplished nothing. I am mostly pleased to get a proper shower, ‘specially one…

  • Quarantine Journal

    Quarantine Journal

    Captain’s log, day 35. I wonder how you all are hanging in there. It’s so funny how we’ve all acquired the same words for this era!—strange, bizarre, odd, are we ‘holding up’ or ‘hanging in’. Well, as much as is possible, we are all of these. It seems like the shelter in place began like…

  • Easter Hymn

    Easter Hymn

    I love this hymn below written by Isaac Watts in 1707. Given the state of this world this Easter and Holy Week, I have found I am more engaged in things than years past; not that I’m less busy or tired! Ha.. ha?? Not sure how i should feel about that. But either way, the…

  • 2018 in Review

    I’ve done a “year in review” style post in years past but hadn’t felt up to it anytime recently, but when one is sick in bed (and slightly bored), things like this just happen 😉 happy new year! Here are a few major moments I’m thinking of as we sail into 2019. This year held many…

  • Capitola

    Riding home from swim lessons is the closest touch we have with any semblance of an evening commute. But more thrilling than the long drawn out lines of red lights in front and white lights across, are the busy

  • Thoughts

    Oh Fall, you have finally made your debut. And here we are, burrowing indoors, concocting and doctoring soups and stews, gobbling apples from the backyard (as long as we beat the birds to them!), making every sunset an event, snapping pumpkin portraits with only the most impeccable lighting, chattering incessantly about the weather changing (somebody…

  • Mother’s Day

    I am full in my heart today. Full of bacon, sweet memories, taking my time to wake up and only hiding in the bathroom once. Full with the wonder of each day with children, their new rush of energy and joy in the mornings, their purity, perspective, half-eaten meals, dirty fingernails, thousand-watt smiles and many…

  • Easter

    This was a sweet Easter season for us. We celebrated Easter Sunday together at home for breakfast and baskets before heading out to church, and then to our family party. Luke and James woke up before everyone else and read the Easter story together, which I sleepily overheard. The rest of us awoke to the…

  • 30!

    Good morning to THIRTY! Writing it makes me feel young and old at the same time–thirty! I have many friends already embracing their best decade (or so I hear) and have been a little impatient for

  • Essay

    Arm asleep, drool on shoulder. Snotty, congested breaths, chests rise and fall. Various limbs nestled tightly with mine, comforted in the closeness. All other beds in the house emptied in the span of a few sleepless hours over a tearful bargain for ours. A haggle often lost by us, I’m sure the record is staggering.…

  • 29

    Vanilla sponge cake, pastry cream, raspberry jam and a vanilla whipped cream dome inside. Marzipan shell outside, topped with powdered sugar and a fresh rose. Available in green, pink or lavender. (Princess cake, Gayle’s Bakery)

  • New Platform

    Welp! This may not be as exciting to you as it is to me, but I’ve officially switched to WordPress. I had toyed with the idea of navigating away from Blogger for a long while now, and finally took the leap. So far, I love it! It feels so fresh to log-in here. I looked…

  • February

    You know you have an almost two-year-old when you have Daniel Tiger songs stuck in your head, even at 10:30pm at night. So when blogger asks what you want to call your post, you resort to the song that’s been stuck in your head since 7:15am! I feel so February this month–a little unforeseen sun,…

  • Essay

    2015 was so full for us in many ways.. To name a few.. celebrating Luke’s first year with us in March, saying goodbye to a multiple family members much too soon and unexpectedly, to discovering we were pregnant in June, then finding out she’s a she(!) in September, being sick as a dog through a…

  • Essay

    Hello stranger! I say stranger for no fault of your own, it’s absolutely me.. I’ve been behind on all my blogging adventures 🙂 Although it doesn’t show here, things have been good, nay great! The things that occupy our days?.. Our busy little 9-month-old, pastoring the youth and interns of our church, all of the…

  • Changes

    I changed our blog name friends! It’s been a longtime coming (in my mind) but it’s been awhile since I had a chance to play with all the details. Just simplifying a little by using (duh duh duh).. my name! Fancy that.. Meanwhile, my old domain will be redirectin’ ya here to: Happy spring…

  • Bits and Pieces

    It’s the moment in between it all. The trash is out, some of the dishes have been put away, yesterday’s mail (bills) have been thumbed through and everyone’s needs are momentarily met. I can lean in close and hear his little breaths ever so quietly and the hum of the fan in the background as I…

  • Little Boys

    wouldn’t ya say little boys need a full time wrangler? most little boys i know at least! well i am pleased to say that as of valentine’s day, i will cease + desist my 9-5 (for good!) and have the pleasure of taking up a career in being a maja, or mother as they call…

  • Happy New Year

    2014 hit me like a ton of bricks.. albeit a big pile of those fun, soft, float in the bathtub sort of bricks. the new year has felt so far away from me, but here we are six days in. this means that our baby is coming in just about two months!? i don’t even…

  • Bits and Pieces

    these wintry sunsets have been stunning! i snapped these before i left work yesterday. it’s incredible how quickly wintertime has snuck up on me! i feel like i’m barely just soaking in the christmas season and christmas is less than a week away (how thankful are we all for amazon prime, people!!). in the midst…

  • Bits and Pieces

    poster found here i am a slow processor when it comes to life changing movements. i brood a bit and like a stew, i need all the flavors and juices and heat to brew everything together a little before things taste complete. i’d even say that i love new things because i know in my…

  • November rainstorm

    when rain comes around, i talk about it all the time, take pictures of wet pavement, jump in puddles, sleep in a little longer and write endless draft posts about how i heard it pitter patter or storm at night. rain makes me wax poetic and spurs on some serious introspection. it stops me in my…

  • Five things about me

    it’s the five things post! and i’m doing one (which means i can use any picture i want, like this fun old one with fur and striped walls)! thanks to anna for tagging me..isn’t she the sweetest! i, too, do these ‘tagged’ posts from time to time but they are always really super duper hard for me…

  • Fog-lined coast

    one of my favorite places in the world to be is sitting along our sleepy fog-lined coast, listening to the continuous roar of the ocean and the thundering crashing against the shore with my legs hanging over the edge of the seawall where i like to sit. i smell that ocean spray, which breaks into…

  • A poem on Wednesday evening

    sometimes i get away from writing. writing about things i love, impressions i have or just simply reasoning something out. lately, i’ve felt motivated again to draw things out again through writing. i think in life i go through seasons of how i express things. at the moment, it has been a time of practicing…

  • October

    artwork by etsy artist nidhi chanani october is absolutely flying by over here. some of these autumn days, i’ve found that there is just not one free hour in the day to just pause a little. but then came along today. days like today that mark the first rainfall of the season. when i think of the…